Section: Software

Protocol Verification Tools

Participants : Pierre-Cyrille Héam, Olga Kouchnarenko, Michaël Rusinowitch, Mathieu Turuani, Laurent Vigneron.


Cassis has been one of the 4 partners involved in the European project AVISPA, which has resulted in the distribution of a tool for automated verification of security protocols, named AVISPA Tool. It is freely available on the web(http://www.avispa-project.org ) and it is well supported. The AVISPA Tool compares favourably to related systems in scope, effectiveness, and performance, by (i) providing a modular and expressive formal language for specifying security protocols and properties, and (ii) integrating 4 back-ends that implement automatic analysis techniques ranging from protocol falsification (by finding an attack on the input protocol) to abstraction-based verification methods for both finite and infinite numbers of sessions.


We develop, as a first back-end of AVISPA, CL-AtSe, a Constraint Logic based Attack Searcher for cryptographic protocols. The CL-AtSe approach to verification consists in a symbolic state exploration of the protocol execution, for a bounded number of sessions. This necessary restriction (for decidability, see  [85] ) allows CL-AtSe to be correct and complete, i.e., any attack found by CL-AtSe is a valid attack, and if no attack is found, then the protocol is secure for the given number of sessions. Each protocol step is represented by a constraint on the protocol state. These constraints are checked lazily for satisfiability, where satisfiability means reachability of the protocol state. CL-AtSe includes a proper handling of sets (operations and tests), choice points, specification of any attack states through a language for expressing secrecy, authentication, fairness, non-abuse freeness, advanced protocol simplifications and optimizations to reduce the problem complexity, and protocol analysis modulo the algebraic properties of cryptographic operators such as XOR (exclusive or) and Exp (modular exponentiation). The handling of XOR and Exp has required to implement an optimized version of the combination algorithm of Baader & Schulz  [76] for solving unification problems in disjoint unions of arbitrary theories.

CL-AtSe has been successfully used  [75] to analyse France Telecom R&D, Siemens AG, IETF, or Gemalto protocols in funded projects. It is also employed by external users, e.g., from the AVISPA's community. Moreover, CL-AtSe achieves very good analysis times, comparable and sometimes better than state-of-the art tools in the domain (see  [90] for tool details and precise benchmarks).


We have developed, as a second back-end of AVISPA, TA4SP (Tree Automata based on Automatic Approximations for the Analysis of Security Protocols), an automata based tool dedicated to the validation of security protocols for an unbounded number of sessions. This tool provides automatic computations of over- and under-approximations of the knowledge accessible by an intruder. This knowledge is encoded as a regular tree language and protocol steps and intruder abilities are encoded as a term rewriting system. When given a reachability problem such as secrecy, TA4SP reports that (1) the protocol is safe if it manages to compute an over-approximation of intruder's knowledge that does not contain a secret term or (2) the protocol is unsafe in the rewrite model if it manages to compute an underapproximation of intruder's knowledge containing a secret term or (3) I don't know otherwise. TA4SP has verified 28 industrial protocols and case (3) occurred only once, for Kaochow protocol version 2.

TA4SP handles protocols using operators with algebraic properties. Thanks to a recent quadratic completion algorithm new experimental results have been obtained, for example for the Encrypted Key Exchange protocol (EKE2) using the exponential operator.

Recently, TA4SP was used in  [89] to analyse a hierarchy of authentication properties.